What is the meaning of Pakistan 🇵🇰

     What is the meaning of Pakistan 🇵🇰

In the journey from slavery to freedom, nations face many difficult situations, and the same thing happened to the Muslims of the subcontinent, who suffered immensely on the path to freedom and suffered a long series of sacrifices, but here Leaders like Quaid-e-Azam and fiery leaders like Iqbal were present. The caravan continued in the presence of leaders like Muhammad Ali Jo Har, Shaukat Ali, Liaquat Ali Khan, Sardar Abdul Rabb Nishtar, Heera Moti. After setting the target on March 23, 1940, no one looked back and reached the destination. This story was not so simple and short. It took time and blood was shed. Then I went somewhere and found this house which is called Pakistan.

The acquisition of Pakistan was not the acquisition of a piece of land, but according to Quaid-e-Azam he wanted to set up this laboratory where Muslims could test Islamic principles and the fact is that if these principles were sincerely tested in business life and business government A better society and a better government can be formed but unfortunately the age of the Quaid did not live up to its promise and Pakistan lost its leader at the age of just one year and today when the country needs national unity and Islamic principles we Along with the existing problems, many other issues are also being raised. It seems that all the previous issues have been resolved and we do not like to be idle, so we have mentioned whether the concept of Quaid-e-Azam was secular Pakistan or Islamic. Of the kingdom The question arises that if Quaid-e-Azam and the Muslims of the subcontinent sacrificed their lives for a secular country, then independence from the British government was enough. What was the need for them to get a separate country? Why did 63 lakh Muslims need to come to Pakistan who migrated to Pakistan and not only left their homes but many times it happened that entire families were martyred on the way. And no one has ever been able to tell the story of this sacrifice and martyrdom to reach the land of their dreams. The acquisition of Pakistan was declared as Islam and Pakistan means La ilaha illa Allah. There was no other third point of view in it and this view remained even after the acquisition of Pakistan and still there is no change in the thinking of an ordinary Pakistani. There have been some so-called enlightened but really helpless people and self-proclaimed human rights activists who are trying to spread this impression. If it is felt, it is a conspiracy, otherwise the internal affairs of Pope Band Act Pakistan. Why should I intervene and comment on the law of honorable prophethood when the same pope is denying the inescapable fact of history by saying that it is not the fault of the Jews to crucify Jesus (pbuh) according to him. Instead, it would have been more appropriate for him to declare a pardon for the Jews for crucifying their Prophet (pbuh). On the other hand, all these forces are engaged in defaming Islam. Unaware of our religion, free from fasting prayers, nominal Muslims in the name of enlightenment Ni becomes their tool and sparks the argument that Pakistan's demand should have been for a secular or Islamic state so that these self-proclaimed educated Pakistanis would also silence these imported NGOs and They are made aware of the golden principles of Islam, but they themselves start shouting louder and louder slogans. Nowadays, Quaid-e-Azam should be urged to be secular and the demand for Pakistan to be a secular country should be emphasized under the guise of minority rights. And all this is being done under a conspiracy to destroy the Islamic status of Pakistan while Islam is the religion which is the most supportive of religious tolerance but also urges not to disturb the religion of others in the Holy Quran. In many places, Allah Almighty reassured the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) that your job is only to convey the message, and that you are free from the responsibility of their deeds and that your religion is for you and our religion for us So Islam did not even give the Prophet the authority to kill him because Allah knows that every person in the world is a religion But it cannot happen even if the most true religion is Islam. Islam also places the responsibility of protecting the non-Muslim people living in an Islamic country entirely on the Islamic government. It is narrated from a trustworthy narrator like Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (RA) that “whoever is a non-Muslim citizen of an Islamic government He will not even find the fragrance of heaven even though its fragrance begins to come from a distance of forty years. ”Now, isn't the religion that proclaims Eid so harshly in exchange for killing non-Muslims a responsibility to protect them? In the current situation in Pakistan, neither the life of a Muslim nor that of a non-Muslim is safe. To say that only non-Muslims are in danger is an exaggeration and also that Muslims are doing all this. There is another great abuse. If a non-Muslim falls victim to family feuds, their rights are shouted and shouted at in order to challenge the Islamic status of Pakistan, while here every day Muslims sometimes pray in the mosque. Funerals and sometimes in the bazaars are being killed and at least 90% of Pakistanis think that it is all foreign funded and now it is being proved that the existence of Pakistan Better a poor horse than no horse at all. Better a poor horse than no horse at all.

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